Training Network Model Courses
Training Network Model Courses offered by SSI
Training Network Model 2.0 (TNM 2.0) aims to transform 7 selected SSAs to become Centres of Excellence. These SSA partners were selected based on specific criteria to offer training to the sector.
Children & Youth Courses
Course Title |
Course Description |
SSA Agency |
Basics of Literacy Support for Children with SEN |
This is a course to equip learners the knowledge, rationale, and strategies/skills to support children with dyslexia in literacy through conceptual teaching and instruction. |
Executive Function Skills for Children with SEN |
The course introduces executive functions, a concept more familiar in the field of psychology, to practitioners who work with children with Special Learning Needs. |
Planning Literacy Lessons for Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) |
Introduces the fundamentals of planning and delivering literacy lessons for children with SEN for educators and parents. Identifying and addressing these literacy challenges through a 1-1 intervention then becomes imperative to allow these children to better access the curriculum content. |
Educational Psychology for Special Education |
Learn about Educational Psychology and how it can be applied in teaching SEN children in individualized support work or in the classroom. |
Understanding & supporting Children with Learning & behavioural needs |
This two-half day course equips those in care services, such as student care officers, with basic knowledge in identifying types of learning and behavioural needs and knowledge on relevant support strategies and activities. The course will also introduce the ecological framework that can be practically applied in the care setting, and increase professional capability to systematically review needs of children, and provide relevant support services based on needs. |
Working Systemically with School Systems |
This 1.5-day course aims to equip social service professionals, who practice in or with the school systems, with knowledge and skills to enable students to gain the most benefits from their schooling experiences. |
Building Rapport with and Creating Supportive Environment for Children |
The two half-day course aims to enhance the professional capability of the Student Care Officers who work in the student care centres (SCCs). |
Supporting Students with Special Education Needs Through Collaborative Approach using Sensory Play |
This two-day course is for Teachers/ Teacher-Aides / Beginning Allied Professionals in SPED Schools and Special Education Needs Officers from General Education Schools to learn a holistic approach to supporting students with special needs through the use of sensory play and activities for better self-regulation and participation in class. |
Developing Readiness and Positive Toileting Behaviour of Children with Special Needs |
Participants will learn to identify the child's current toileting needs through data gathering and analysis. This is followed by the identification of the optimal timing to begin toilet training, and the strategies to support their toilet training. |
Individualised Education Planning for children with SEN |
This course aims to equip the participants with the knowledge and skills to plan, implement and evaluate an intervention for a child with SEN. Without an individualised lesson plan, the child with SEN will never be able to bridge the persistent educational gaps. |
Supporting Children with Attentional and Hyperactivity Issues
This course makes accessible the management of ADHD, typically the role of psychologists, to other stakeholders such as educators, counsellors and caregivers. Participants who support children with ADHD can look forward to a multimodal management of ADHD. |
Disability Courses
Course Title |
Course Description |
SSA Agency |
Workplace Literacy (WPL) to Persons with Mild Intellectual Disability |
This two-day course is designed to provide caregivers and educational professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to teach Workplace Literacy (WPL) to persons with mild intellectual disability. |
Understanding the Needs of Persons with Disabilities |
During this course, learners will learn to identify the causes and characteristics of these types of special needs and understand the role of professionals in supporting persons with disabilities. |
Interacting and Working with Persons with Disabilities
This course will help learners gain insights into how persons with disabilities
express themselves in a range of contexts and will also equip them with
skills to respond to them appropriately.
Adapting Programmes for Persons with Disabilities
This module will introduce participants to the elements of Universal Design
for Learning and how they can be applied in adapting programmes to suit
the needs of children and adolescents with special needs, while placing
the needs of persons of all abilities in the heart of the adaptation process.
Working Collaboratively with Families: Understanding and Communicating with Families of Persons with Disabilities
This course helps learners to understand the needs of families and the feelings of parents at the different stages of the grief journey and the sources of support for parents of persons with disabilities. |
Facilitating Communication, Language and Social Skills Development Using a Multi-modal Approach with AAC
This course will focus on the use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) as a mode to facilitate the development of communication, language and social skills for children and adolescents with disabilities. |
Nurturing Healthy Sexual Development in Persons with Developmental Disabilities
Participants on this course will be provided with the necessary information for understanding human sexuality and how they can use different approaches and activities to teach children and adolescents with developmental disabilities the specific topics on human sexuality. |
Applying Basic Positive Behavioural Support Strategies to Meet Diverse Needs (Level 1) |
This course examines the application of approaches and strategies of positive behaviour support for persons with diverse needs. |
Applying Positive Behavioural Support Strategies for Persons with Complex Needs (Level 2) |
This course focuses on the types of complex needs and factors that should be considered and how complex needs can be addressed with a range of customised positive behavioural support strategies and interventions. |
Intellectual Disability: Person-Centred Lifespan Support |
This 2-day course aims to provide attendees a fundamental understand about intellectual disability, the diagnostic criteria, and the support needed for persons with intellectual disability across life span. |
Enhancing work outcome together for Person with Mild Intellectual Disability (MID) |
The course aims to provide the knowledge and skills needed to increase confidence and reduced anxiety at the thought of working along person with Mild Intellectual Disability (MID). |
Applying Strategies for Engaging and Teaching Persons with Learning Disabilities |
This course is targeted at professionals who need to interact and work with families of children and adolescents with learning disabilities. Participants in this course will get to learn about the characteristics of persons with learning disabilities and the impact it has on their learning and adaptive living. |
Interpreting Quality of Life for Persons with Disabilities |
The course examines the importance of quality of life and the framework of five service accomplishments and is targeted at social service professionals who work with persons with disabilities. Participants will walk away from the course understanding how they can support the empowerment and quality of life of persons with disabilities. |
Interpreting Disability in Social Work Practice |
This course is designed for social workers and social work associates to equip them with knowledge of legislation, trends and issues that impact persons with disabilities. Participants will be guided on how they can apply models of care and person-centred palnning approach when working with persons with disabilities. |
Eldercare Courses
Course Title |
Course Description |
SSA Agency |
A Spotlight on Dementia |
This course aims provides the participants with the knowledge and skills required to promote social inclusion of persons living with Dementia in a Dementia Friendly environment. |
A Spotlight on the Palliative Care Approach |
This course aims to develop an understanding of the difficulties faced talking about death and how to provide needs-based care to persons with life-limiting illnesses. They will also be made aware of the resources available for Palliative Care. |
Dementia: The Essentials of Person-Centred Care (Basic Level) |
This course aims to give participants the essential knowledge, skills and attributes to provide quality care to persons living with Dementia. |
The Palliative Care Approach (Basic Level) |
This course aims to give participants the essential knowledge, skills and attributes to deliver care using the Palliative Care Approach. |
Dementia: Practising Person-Centred Care (Intermediate Level) |
This course aims to give participants a complete set of knowledge, skills and attributes to practice person-centred care for persons living with Dementia. |
Leadership and Management for Dementia Care Services |
This programme is designed with the overall aim of preparing staff to
lead and manage dementia care services successfully.
Leadership and Management for Community Care Services |
This programme is designed with the overall aim of preparing individuals
to lead and manage community care services successfully.
Family Courses
Course Title |
Course Description |
SSA Agency |
Working with Conflictual Couples |
This introduction course aims to equip people helpers with basic knowledge and skills in managing conflictual couples during a session and stabilising their marital relationships. |
Engaging Victims of Intimate Partner Violence |
This course aims to equip the social workers with the knowledge about the dynamics of intimate partner violence and skills competency on how to engage and empower the victims to bring about changes. |
Strengthen Family Relationships using the Satir Model |
To help clients/ individuals recognise their own personal iceberg and with that, lead them to have better communication and connection with family members, thereby strengthen the relationships in the family. |
Mental Health & Wellness Courses
Course Title |
Course Description |
SSA Agency |
Suicide Intervention Skills Workshop |
This course/module aims to: equip practitioners with knowledge and understanding of suicide as well as evidence-based intervention skills to assess suicide risk and manage suicide crisis. |
Providing Emotional Support to Persons with Potential Suicidality |
This course is tailored to equip any member of the public who may encounter persons with suicidality at work, during volunteering or in their personal life. |
Managing Suicide Crisis Over Phone |
This course/module aims to equip learners with the knowledge and skills to recognize and manage suicide crisis over the helpline or regular calls with clients. |
Managing Suicide Crisis Over Text-based Platforms |
This course/module aims to equip learners with the knowledge and skills to recognize and manage suicide crisis over text-based platforms. |
Suicide Loss: post-crisis management (Level 1) |
This course/module aims to equip learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide post-crisis support following a suicide loss. |
Suicide Loss: post-crisis management (Level 2) |
This course/module aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide longer term psychological interventions to support the grief and healing journey of suicide survivors. |
Research & Programme Evaluation Courses
Course Title |
Course Description |
SSA Agency |
Applying Theory of Change and Logic Model in Programme Planning |
During this 1 day course, social service professionals will learn how to effectively develop and integrate these methods of programme development into their practice while understanding, conceptualizing and appreciating the usefulness of these methods throughout programme lifespan. |
Programme Theory of Change and Logic Model: Uncovering the Blackbox of Social Programmes |
To equip social service professionals with the knowledge and skills of theory of change and logic model which are transferable and scalable to any social programme development and evaluation. |
Application of Mixed Methods Research in Social Service |
Mixed methods research explores social issues and understand them more
Conducting Effective Programme Evaluation for SSAs |
This course will provide participants the theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches which underpin the process of quantitative, qualitative, and blended research. Participants will learn about the research process and draw on relevant literature to positively impact on their professional practice. The course will deepen their knowledge and skills to apply research methodologies in their own professional context and carry out extended professional research. |
Cross Sector Courses
Course Title |
Course Description |
SSA Agency |
Basic Therapeutic Skills |
This course is intended for participants with little or no background knowledge of counselling, focusing on the helping process and the building of more positive relationships by developing the skills such as active listening, greater self-awareness and mental health support using the CILI PADI problem-solving approach. |
Strategies on caring for Children with Mild Intellectual Disability (MID) |
This course aims to prepare parents in their journey to have better understanding and awareness of their children with intellectual disability and to equip parents with strategies to manage their children in addition to managing conflicts within the family. |
Facilitate Group Work Intervention |
This is a highly experiential course where participants will experience the group work processes as they learn to apply the secrets of effective group work facilitation. |
Onboarding for New Social Service Supervisors |
The course aims to build a confident and competent new social service supervisor, through onboarding and providing new supervisors with a framework to guide their supervision journey and practical knowledge and skills on how to conduct supervision. |
Supporting the mental well-being of adolescents with intellectual disability (ID) |
This course is designed to promote early prevention and support the mental well-being of adolescents with ID. |
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Practice |
This course aims to provide participants with a fundamental overview of solution focused brief therapy practices. |
Practical Counselling (Intermediate) |
This course is designed for learners who are keen to further equipped themselves with concepts and skills pertaining to effective interviews and counselling to have a more complete understanding in counselling. |
Volunteer Management Courses
Course Title |
Course Description |
SSA Agency |
Strategic Volunteer Partnerships for Impact |
This course equips Volunteer Management Practioners with the critical frameworks, practical skills, perspectives, and principles for effective volunteer partnerships. |
Support the Implementation of Volunteer Programmes |
This course/module aims to equip learners with the knowledge and skills to implement volunteer programmes and manage conflicts according to organizational policies and code of practice. |